According to the system, the ten ministries of bhutan and other governmental agencies focus on sectoral development and submit their plan to the gnh commission for further scrutiny. This development is ongoing with financial assistance. The revised thimphu structure plan of august 2004 department of urban development and engineering services, 2004 mentions that planning for the movement of people and vehicles in thimphu city goes beyond fulfilling the basic issues of connectivity. Thimphu is also the capital of bhutan and the largest city in the whole kingdom. Department of urban development and engineering services, ministry of works and human settlements, 2002. Royal government of bhutan the multisectoral national action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 20152020 this document was granted approval during the 80th lhengye zhungtshog session held on 6th july 2015. As a metroplis an caipital ceety, thimphu is coordinatit bi the thimphu structure plan, an urban. Strung out along the wang chhu, thimphu is bhutans own minimetropolis, an expanding bubble of shopping complexes, monasteries and chaletlike apartment buildings that reverts quickly to bluepine forest at the city limits. Architecture in bhutan understanding the bhutanese. Strategic plan executive summary the bhutan innovation and technology centre, located at the thimphu techpark in babesa, thimphu, bhutan, is the first of its kind in bhutan. Bhutans growing pains challenges of implementing the city plan. The only capital city in the world without a traffic light, thimphu is currently in the throes of major building projects as bhutan modernizes with a new parliamentary monarchy and an increasingly.
The implementation of the thimphu structure plan tsp 20022027 amidst competing. The project is consistent with the governments plans and strategies, and with the inclusive social development objective of adbs country partnership strategy for bhutan, which aims to improve urban infrastructure and. Ministry of works and human settlement, royal government of bhutans cover photo. This development is ongoing with financial assistance from the world bank and asian development bank. Thimphu contains maist o the important poleetical biggins in bhutan, includin the naitional assembly o the newly formed parliamentary democracy an dechencholing palace, the offeecial residence o the keeng, locatit tae the north o the ceety. The af project will improve the overall planning for realistic urban. The northern half of thimphu district the gewogs of kawang, lingzhi, naro and soe corresponding roughly to lingzhi dungkhag is subject to environmental protection, falling within jigme dorji national park. The 25 year plan was given high priority and involved a process of consulting all stakeholders. The thimphu structure plan is based on these principles. The strategic environmental assessment sea for the thimphu structure plan was conducted by the multisectoral core team comprising representatives from thimphu thromde tt, ministry of works and human settlement mowhs, gross national happiness commission gnhc, national environment commission nec, national land commission secretariat nlcs, and united nations development programme undp with technical and capacitybuilding support from the korean environment institute kei. Thimphu lezi v omejeni dolini reke raidak, ki je znana tudi kot reka thimphu thimpu chu.
These ideas became the frame work for the city plan. Since the endorsement of the thimphu structure plan in 2004, its implementation has been a challenging experience given the rapid pace of development and some deviations from its intent amidst competing policies, plans and programmes. The remaining gewogs do not belong to any subdistrict. In addition, not only the plots in question were identified as g2 precinct in the thimphu structure plan and urban design proposal but also it is remarked as g2 precinct in the lagthram issued by national land commission to tashi commercial corporation. The thimphu cds is, however, different because we already have. Strategic environmental assessment for the thimphu structure plan. The city is governed according to something called thimphus structure plan, a plan developed primarily to protect the valleys fragile and pristine ecology.
Pdf bhutans growing pains challenges of implementing. Thimphu grew rapidly since 1955 1961 bhutans first fiver year plan 1st urban plan 1964 remained unimplemented 2nd urban plan 1986 guided growth in 1990s 1998 strategic plan influenced urban expansion from 8 to 26 sq. In normal practice the city development strategy cds forms an initial exercise, which becomes the basis for preparing a structure plan, followed by the preparation of local area plans for implementation. Changing agricultural landscape and immigrant population. There are several attractions in thimphu such as the national post office, the clock tower square, the motithang takin preserve, tango and chari monasteries, buddha dordenma, national memorial chorten. Thimphu rdzongkhag is a dzongkhag district of bhutan. The strategic environmental assessment sea for the thimphu structure plan was conducted by the multisectoral core team comprising representatives from thimphu thromde tt, ministry of works and human settlement mowhs, gross national happiness commission gnhc, national environment commission nec, national land commission secretariat nlcs, and united nations development. The first comprehensive master plan was prepared in 2000 and was approved by the cabinet in 2003. Strategic environmental assessment for the thimphu structure. The national health promotion strategic plan nhpsp for bhutan is a first of its kind in the history of health system of bhutan. Structure plan, local are plans and land pooling proposals could proceed in organizing the capital. Geley norbu, thimphu municipality, bhutan land pooling and. The thimphu structure plan by christopher charles benninger.
Development strategy and the thimphu structural plan 20022027 provide advice mwhs 2004. The fiveyear plan system was introduced in 1961 by the third king of bhutan, jigme dorji wangchuck. Ministry of works and human settlements, rgob, thimphu, bhutan. The 15 best things to do in thimphu 2020 with photos. Thimphu 2020 city corporation mit world bank thimphu city corporation mr. Ministry of works and human settlement, royal government. This is the approach of the ten principles of intelligent urbanism. Alternative scenarios assumptions and goals key questions the mature city the cultural city the river city. Strategic envrionment assessment for thimphu structure plan 2002. The building of local capacities and experiences through this process is further expected to support integration of seas into a wider array of policies, plans and programmes in the country.
A multistakeholder approach is used to ensure effective relief and response services in partnership with all. Before the approval of the 20022027 thimphu structure plan tsp by the council of cabinet ministers in february 2003, the tsp went through around 20 rigorous public consultations with various stakeholders including land and property owners. Get to the heart of thimphu with one of lonely planet s indepth, awardwinning guidebooks. Information and translations of thimphu in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Data collection survey on urban development and environment. This plan does not cover disaster risk prevention, mitigation and risk reduction or long term recovery, except to provide recommendations and linkages to these other phases in the disaster risk management. Urban planning division royal government of bhutan. As a metropolis and capital city, thimphu is coordinated by the thimphu structure plan, an urban development plan which evolved in 1998 with the objective of protecting the fragile ecology of the valley. Budpii had focused first in terms of provision of physical works in the two local areas of dechencholing and langjophakha. Geley norbu, thimphu municipality, bhutan land pooling. This makes sure that there is a uniformity in the architecture style of buildings throughout the country.
Three sets of architectural drawing a3 size drawn to a suitable scale. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. The rgob through tt has undertaken a plan to develop five local areas. It was designated the official seat of government in 1962 formerly the seat.
It is an initiative financed by the world bankinternational finance. Transport urban roads and traffic management accessible from the list of linked documents in appendix 2. The overarching goal was the development of a livable city, both now and in the future, respecting the land and the cultural traditions. A dream city the thimphu structure plan is a 25 year plan for thimphu. The 2011, 20, and 2014 windstorms have affected majority of. Rajesh pradhan individual social asessment consultant thimphu, february 20 public disclosure authorized public disclosure authorized public disclosure authorized. With limited room for expansion, numerous social and environmental issues are already evident. Royal government of bhutan world health organization. This is a longterm development plan partly funded by the asian development bank and the world bank. Attainment of the highest standard of physical, mental and social wellbeing for all bhutanese by. Strategic environmental assessment of the thimphu structure plan.
It envisages thimphu as a dream city by 2027 which would provide residents adequate space to work, drive, jog, cycle, picnic, relax and be close to nature gyeltshen 2002b. A major construction application is the application for a construction of a new structure building. For thimphu structure plan 20022027 presentation to the development partners group by dasho kinlay dorjee, mayor, thimphu thromde thimphu grew rapidly since 1955 1961 bhutans first fiver year plan 1st urban plan 1964 remained unimplemented. The consultants felt that an investment program would be more meaningfully developed in. Strategic environmental assessment for the thimphu. Medtem ko so okoliski hribi v visinskem razponu od 2000 do 3800 metrov, ima samo mesto visinski razpon med 2248 in 2648 metri toplo zmerno podnebje med 2000 do 3000 metri in. The thimphu cds is, however, different because we already have a 25years perspective structure plan which is under implementation through the local area plans.
Thimphu structural plan adopted in 2002 provides a blueprint to guide the city in its transition from isolation to global participant. This planning was necessitated due to growth of automobiles and pressure on the public health infrastructure in the town centre, restrictions. Thimphu structure plan 20022027, royal government of bhutan, thimphu, p. Bhutan vision 2020, royal planning commission 1999. This development is ongoin wi financial assistance frae the world bank an asian development bank.
In line with the thimphu structure plan notified in 2004, rgob proposed an integrated transportation strategy to reduce congestion in core city area by providing offstreet parking facilities to enable the removal of norzim lam. Today we are proud of this unique approach we have discovered in planning this city. The thimphu structural plan tsp, overseen by an american planning consultant now an expatriate in india, in corporates notions that planners term intelligent urbanism. The strategic environmental assessment sea for the thimphu structure plan was conducted by the multisectoral core team comprising representatives from thimphu thromde tt, ministry of works and human settlement mowhs, gross national happiness commission gnhc, national environment commission nec, national land commission secretariat nlcs, and united nations development programme. Data collection survey on urban development and environment in the kingdom of bhutan final report january 2014 japan international cooperation agency exe. Thimphu is one of the few towns in bhutan that have been equipped with atm banking facilities and is a good place to stock up on some currency. As the economic and governance hub of bhutan, thimphu throm has grown rapidly and is host to about a fifth of the countrys total population. Lingzhi, soe and naro gewogs belong to the lingzhi dungkhag subdistrict, the only subdistrict within thimphu district. The contingency plan focuses on thimphu thromdes roles and responsibilities as provided in the dm act and contingency planning. In its preamble, the plan cites the alarming examples of indian hill. There have been at least about 27 public meetingsconsultations excluding consultations for laps until the formal approval of the thimphu structure plan 20022027 on february 3, 2003 by the council of ministers. Book your tickets online for the top things to do in thimphu, bhutan on tripadvisor. Jan wampler 77 massachusetts avenue cambridge ma 029.
The 10 best thimphu hotel deals may 2020 tripadvisor. The thimphu thromde provides the following water services. G2green space system from the beginning of thimphu structure plan implementation. The thimphu structure plan is a modern urban development plan for the thimphu city, evolved in 1998, with the objective of protecting the fragile ecology of the valley, including its rivers and forests. Thimphu city development strategy iv tcds may be finalized by including a summary documentation of important aspects covered by the structure plan, and the investment program. Strategic environmental assessment thimphu structure plan. Challenge thimphu structure plan tsp, completed in 2003, identified the overall planning principles and its subsequent land use plan within the municipal boundary. The city, situated in the westcentral part of the country, is in the himalaya mountains on the raidak also called thimphu, or wong river at about 7,000 feet 2,000 metres above sea level.